(Revised, taking into account the addition of 29 July 2010)


§1 Name, Domicile, Fiscal year

The association - hereinafter the "society" - is named "Copernicus Gesellschaft zur Förderung der internationalen Zusammenarbeit in den Geo- und Weltraumwissenschaften" (Copernicus Society for the Promotion of International Collaboration in the Geo- and Space Sciences) and will be entered in the register. After registration, the appendage "e.V." will be added.

The society has its headquarters in Göttingen.

The society's financial year is the typical calendar year.

§2 Purpose of the Society

The society pursues exclusively charitable purposes within the meaning of the tax-privileged purposes of the tax regulation.

Its purpose is the promotion of science and research, especially in the geo- and space sciences, education and training, particularly for children, teenagers and young academics, the arts and culture, the environment and social responsibilities.

These purposes are to be achieved in particular by the following activities:

  1. Support and promotion as well as the establishment and maintenance of contacts and collaborations between associations, institutions and organizations that promote the objectives of the society;
  2. Organization and execution of all types of events and the production of media for transfer and sharing of knowledge, as well as artistic impression and representation;
  3. Processing, archiving and provision of scientific and artistic data and data systems, as well as the development and deployment of hardware and software that support the achievement of the above purposes in the broadest sense;
  4. Promotion of a holistic education and development of children and youth.

These objectives will be pursued collectively; a certain order of precedence does not exist. Expansions are possible.

To realize this corporate purpose, the society may support the establishment of institutions or companies ("Zweckbetrieb"), make use of assisting agents and in part provide their resources to other likewise tax-advantaged corporate bodies (in line with German "steuerliche Unschädlichkeit"). Members receive no funding from society resources, and no person shall benefit from expenses that are foreign to the purpose of the society, or benefit from disproportionately high compensation.

The society may also pursue its goals abroad.

§3 Membership

The membership shall be composed of individual members and corporate members.

Any person who submits a written application for admission can be an individual member of the society and has voting rights.

Associations, institutions, companies and other organizations that submit a written application for admission may be a corporate member of the society. They each have one vote.

Acceptance into the society is decided by the board.

§4 Membership fees

Every member of the society has to pay an annual fee, the amount of which will be determined by the general assembly. The annual fee is due at the beginning of the year and must be paid by 31 March the following year.

§5 Termination of Membership

In the case of death of a member or upon dissolution of an association, institution, or other organization that is a corporate member, the membership will automatically expire.

A member who has not paid his/her annual membership fee within the specified period in §4 will lose membership.

The withdrawal from the society is permitted at any time through ​​a written statement to a member of the board. The withdrawal will then come into effect at the end of the calendar year.

§6 Board of Directors

The board consists of the secretary and the treasurer, comprising the board as defined in §26 BGB (German Civil Code). The secretary and the treasurer are both individually entitled to represent the association. Members of the board must also be members of the society. The board is elected during the general assembly for a period of two years; however, the board remains in office even after the expiry of the term until there is a new election. The secretary and the treasurer are authorized to act in their own name or as a representative of a third party when doing business with the society (§181 BGB). Former president Professor Sir Ian Axford has been awarded the symbolic posthumous title Honorary President by the society.

§7 General Assembly

The general assembly of members is held annually. Special general meetings must also be held when it is called for by the interests of the society or when it is demanded by a fifth of the members in the form of a written request to the board stating the purpose and reasons behind the meeting.

§8 Convening of the General Meeting

Each meeting will be called by the secretary or the treasurer in compliance with the invitation period The invitation period must be at least three weeks for the general assembly and at least two weeks for the special general meeting. In each case, the board must inform members of the agenda.

§9 General Meeting Proceedings

The general meeting is chaired by the secretary, in his/her absence by the treasurer. In the case that both are absent, the general assembly participants elect someone present to chair the meeting. The participants of the general assembly may decide to supplement the agenda set by the board.

Unless the statutes state otherwise, decisions are based on the majority of the valid votes at the general assembly; abstentions are not taken into account.

A two-thirds majority of the members present is required for an amendment of the statutes.

A two-thirds majority of all members is required in the decision to dissolve the society. In voting to amend the society's purpose or to dissolve the society, a written vote is permitted.

The method of voting shall be determined strictly by the chairperson. However, the election must be conducted in written form if there is a request for such by a respective member of those presently voting.

The decisions of the general assembly shall be recorded as evidence. The minutes shall be signed by the respective chairperson. Thereby, the time and place of the meeting as well as the respective vote results should be recorded.

§10 Dissolution of the Society

Upon dissolution or termination of the society or the discontinuation of its previous purpose(s), the assets of the society are transferred to a public legal body or to another tax-exempt corporation for the use of the promotion of science and research.